Sunday, May 26, 2013

Alpha to Omega...Beginning to End

Summer has officially arrived for me as yesterday was my last day working camp! You all know I love to be busy all the time but words cannot describe how excited I am just to spend the next six weeks at home with my family before I leave on July 9th to begin my job as a TLC. This will be the first summer I have spent at home since 2004 and I cannot wait to just rest and relax.

I wanted to write about my last few weeks as a collegiate member in college so you all could see a few of my favorite memories from senior year. This post is entitled Alpha to Omega...Beginning to End, so let's start at the "beginning" also known as my trip to Alpha Chapter!

ALPHA:  During the first week in April, I was blessed to travel with a current TLC, Sam Ham, up to Farmville, Virginia where we joined other TLC's and ZTA sisters to celebrate the reactivation of our Alpha Chapter. Besides getting to initiate the members of ZTA's Lambda Kappa Chapter at ASU in the fall; being at Longwood University for the reactivation of the Alpha chapter is one of my favorite ZTA memories! Here are a few pictures of the special weekend! 
Welcome sign made by Alpha sisters
Longwood University at sunrise
Eta Tau Chapter Members with our wonderful Province President
One of my ZTA Role Models
Farmville Four Clock with current TLC's Sam and Katie

GREEK WEEK: The day right after Alpha's Reactivation, I participated in my last UNC Charlotte Greek Week. I was worried at the beginning to the semester I would not be able to participate in many events due to my student teaching schedule but was so blessed that Greek Week fell on my very first week where I had given back all subjects...meaning I had a ton of free time. Greek Games on Sunday always provide so much fun but this year we all got some pretty awesome sunburn on our arms due to body paint. I loved being apart of our Trivia Team along with three other sisters and our awesome Greek Village Residents Coordinator Michael Berger. Friday night always provides a night of dancing as we perform Airband. This year our theme was Candy Land and even though ZTA did not win, it was by far my favorite performance of all my years at UNC Charlotte. Last but not least, Greek Week ended with our annual Greek Awards where we brought home seven awards and SORORITY OF THE YEAR for not the first but SECOND year in a row! Needless to say I am one proud sister to see all our chapter's hard work pay off!
House Banner for Greek Week 

My two beautiful little's: Laila and Abby
Trivia Team
 Our Airband backdrop
 Fall 2009 at our last Airband together
 Sorority of the Year: Zeta Tau Alpha
 Awarded Outstanding Senior's for our Chapter together
 Sorority of the Year for the Second Year in a Row
 2012 and 2013 EC's that led our Chapter to Success
Two of the best Greek Life Advisors I could ever ask for

FORMAL: A few weeks before graduation I attended my last ZTA formal with the most handsome date by my side. It was the perfect way to spend one last time dancing the night away!

OMEGA: Omega means "the end", and this case that would be graduation. Walking across the stage was such a bittersweet moment as there has been so many memories made at UNC Charlotte. I will never be able to give back enough to this wonderful university to thank it for all that it provided to me in the past four years. It also hit me while standing in line to hear my name called, how blessed I am to be graduating with a job already waiting for me come July. God has truly blessed me!

Now comes summer and six weeks of soaking up every second I can with my family and friends before I head out on July 9th to NLC! I hope you all are having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and thanks for catching up with me!

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